Thursday, November 24, 2005


And finally, all is revealed with this secret message from 'big boss'...

For a more detailed explanation of how Project:CRON fit into the wedding, you can check out which I hope to update very soon with all these vids.

Essentially, we opted not to have a guestbook for our wedding. Instead, we prepared cards for every guest on every table, and the Kazoku agents passed them out in sealed envelopes while this secret message was playing on the screen. That would be 'phase 2'.

(Unknown to all, even our Kazoku agents, the actual Time Capsule they were protecting was hidden in the simple red square pedestal that the powerbook was resting on. The powerbook was a 'red herring', a fancy decoy running nonsense programs spitting out nonsense text and numbers. *grin*)

At the end of the high tea reception, the cards were to be sealed in time capsules dated for opening in the future.

All that's left would be to open the capsules on our anniversaries in 2008 and 2015 and see what our guests wrote. We'll feature some of the interesting and unique ones on our vlog and website then.

... Be part of the future with Project:CRON ...

(Guess who acted as "big boss" ^_^)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We knew, dearie... at least I only briefed them about it in that morning... as for the capsule in the red box, at least I knew, just didn't go and touch it...

You put them all up! *hug* Goodie goodie! *collects*

11:17 AM, November 24, 2005  
Blogger Joash Chee said...

ah... so much for the guards not knowing what they are guarding :P the actual plan was that only the 'director' knew of the decoy.

7:49 PM, November 25, 2005  

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