Friday, October 07, 2005

Official Launch of the Wedding Website!

Woohoo! Wish I could have vlogged about the launch, but don't have the usual Canon A80 with me to do so. I'll probably do something with my iSight at home later, but anyhoos....

*bounces excitedly around*

Still looking for contributions to the 'Downloads' section, so if any of ya feel inspired, do write us some fanmail, okies? Preferrably with nice attachments to add to the site too. What I was thinking would be couple of 'artist's impressions' of the couple or stuff done to a 1024x768 wallpaper with some prominent display of the wedding date so that people can be reminded of it right on their desktop!

Maybe something with the cheese theme... hmmm... Or shoujo and shounen and everything in-between :P

(next up, maybe to add a 'news articles' section or 'reviews' *chuckle*)


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