Friday, January 29, 2010

Downloading iPhone Apps (US Only)

If you have an iTunes account in a country other than U.S., you may find that some applications are not available in your country. To get US Only applications that are featured on and other places, be sure to register a free US iTunes Store account.

There are many websites with the instructions on how to do so, simply google for it. Here's one that I found:

Posted via email from CHORDiCA

Quoted In TODAY papers, My Thoughts On iPad

I met Ariel at WWDC in San Francisco last year while with the IE Singapore delegation to meet chief Apple executives in a round table. She asked for a quote she could use in today's iPad article and this is what I wrote to her in full. 

"Hi Ariel,

I have been very well, indeed! And I hope the same for you too.

It will be a pleasure to be given the opportunity to share my thoughts. In fact, the iPad has been on my mind ever since the announcement this morning. I was one of those that stayed up to hear it 'live' on

My immediate thoughts are that many initial responses that I have heard and read thus far have made a critical mistake in their evaluation of the iPad. To think of it in terms of what it replaces (your laptop or your iPhone, for example) will be the greatest error any developer can possibly make right now. Unless I am very much mistaken, Apple made it quite clear that they are creating something new with the iPad and to think of it in any other terms would be equal to having a falling-out with Apple themselves.

I don't mean this in the glassy-eyed, hero-worshipping manner of a fully mesmerised zombie of the Apple hype and cult. The very potholes that people accuse Apple of leaving unfilled with the iPad are the same ones that represent the greatest opportunities for developers to creatively fill.

To that end, my mind has been working non-stop and the more I think about it, the more I am elated by the possibilities represented by the iPad. I have since opened a new application proposal in my inventor's notebook and am now amassing the support and resources necessary to bring my latest application idea to fruition. So potent is this idea that whenever I share it in confidence with potential partners and investors, I am not ashamed to say that it could very possibly be the kind of app that Apple would (and should) consider installing in every iPad made.

What does this mean for me as a developer? It means that I have been given the golden opportunity to help change the world for the better, together with Apple. And I am fully convinced of my destiny in that respect.

Best regards,
Joash Chee
Scoreless Music Pte Ltd"

Posted via email from CHORDiCA

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

For My iPhone Keynote Today...

... I needed a visualiser for the demos, so I built one. :)

Just thought to share this with everyone. I won't go so far as to call it a hack, but I sure built something not found in the manual that came with the box. :)

Quick build notes:

1. Needed to make a stable 2-legged structure (instead of 3, and general lack of bricks) so that the audio cable at the top of the iPhone can run freely while switching from portrait to landscape
1a. Made a square rig then found the 'centre of gravity'? to extend the legs
2. Needed enought width so that it can do landscape as well
3. Limited by just the pieces from one box (LEGO 5867)
4. Needed the fixed height
5. Used the ancient FireWire iSight paired with Quicktime Player in movie recording mode
6. Had to make sure the iSight cable was kept properly out of the way and not prone to destabilizing the structure
7. The last time I touched LEGO was probably primary school :)

Total cost : iSight (lying around) + LEGO 5867 ($42.90) + about 1.5 hours

I'm all pumped for today for more than one reason :) Since I won't be the only person with a keynote. 

Posted via email from CHORDiCA

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hub On App Store! On CHORDiCA's 1st Anniversary too!

21st Jan 2010! We celebrate the release of the very first CHORDiCA today!

Exactly one year has passed and despite being rejected once, the new Scoreless Music Hub app was approved just in time!

Get it for FREE at:

Posted via email from CHORDiCA

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

CHORDiCA Touch Speaks For Itself

The vision of Scoreless Music is to enable anyone to make music. With that vision in mind, and seeing how almost all iPhone music instrument apps are poorly designed for the blind to use, Scoreless Music went to the drawing board and came up with CHORDiCA Touch. CHORDiCA Touch is possibly the 1st iPhone music instrument app that has deliberate design and assistive technology that does not discriminate against the visually handicapped. Watch this video to see a short demonstration of the Vocal Coach in action.

Posted via email from CHORDiCA

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Launching, Classroom In Your Palm

With the new Scoreless Music Hub app, you will literally have a classroom in the palm of your hand. A new initiative, the programme packs bite-sized training into modules that are accessible from mobile devices.

Posted via email from CHORDiCA

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

月亮代表我的心 - 邓丽君 (BL1), 1st Chinese Song Uploaded

There have been requests for chinese songs from some of my students so this is the first to be added to the song database which can be accessed online and through the Scoreless Music Hub app. Thankfully, there were no hiccups. Expect to see more chinese songs added in the near future.

Posted via email from CHORDiCA

DMC, Elchemi Education Featured In Scoreless Music Hub

Scoreless Music Hub lists every event that incorporates radical music education established by Scoreless Music. For folks in Singapore, do check out the section for the latest in-person training sessions available.

Posted via email from CHORDiCA

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Scoreless Music Hub, Website & Submission

The development team should be submitting the Scoreless Music Hub app for Apple approval today. Let's pray for a speedy process with no rejections. In the meantime, you can take a look at the freshly minted webpage for the app at:

Posted via email from CHORDiCA

Cajun Moon - J J Cale, Using CHORDiCA

This song was a request from Steve on the Scoreless Music Forum. Hope this helps others who like the song and are picking up the CHORDiCA.

--- Steve posted on: May 21, 2009, 05:20:16 AM ---

I'd love this if at all possible Joash: 
I found the guitar tabs if that helps:

I purchased CHORDiCA yesterday and I just love it.

Thank you.

--- Joash posted May 22, 2009, 10:54:02 PM ---

Hi Steve!

Thanks for supporting with a purchase and for loving it.   I hope I can do my best to maximise the value of the CHORDiCA with whatever I can provide here.

Here's a quick guide to setting up for the song Cajun Moon - J J Cale

Set your Key to F#

Referencing the guitar tabs, do the following conversion...

Change all Em7 to 6:6
Change all A to 2:2m
Change all B7 to 3:3m

Explaining a 'split':

whenever you see two numbers written out like x:x it means you are being told exactly what to play for both your left (bass) and your right (harmony). So for 2:2m, you will play a 2 with your left finger and a 2m with your right finger.

The next step after knowing the right numbers to hit is to know when to hit them. The rhythm style you use to 'hammer' them on the Chordica will give you the sense of different music styles. Try experimenting with tapping them together with the music as it plays and see if you can get a feel of tapping with style. 

Hope that helps!

Posted via email from CHORDiCA

Monday, January 11, 2010

Revelation Song - Kari Jobe, A 4 Numbers Song

The first '4 numbers song' to enter the Scoreless Music Songs Database is Revelation Song by Kari Jobe. '4 numbers songs' are songs that only require 1 '4 number pattern' to play, making them some of the easily songs to pick up and play. Most of them are also rated at Basics Level 1 (BL1).

Posted via email from CHORDiCA

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Look what Tap Tap Revenge 3 flashed at me recently, almost as if they ran out of things to say. :)

Look what Tap Tap Revenge 3 flashed at me recently, almost as if they ran out of things to say. :)

Posted via web from CHORDiCA

Friday, January 08, 2010

Number Sheets On App & Web

Thanks to the great guys at and the MobDis platform, all Scoreless Music number sheets are simultaneously published on the Scoreless Music Hub app as well as the web. You can see a live example by using your iPhone to surf to the weblink below.

Posted via email from CHORDiCA

Thursday, January 07, 2010

If We Hold On Together - Diana Ross (BL2)

Following the previous post on the new categorising of Scoreless Music number sheets, here is the Basics Level 2 (BL2) version of the same song "If We Hold On Together". BL2 sheets are ideal for students graduating from the Scoreless Music Basics module and any student who is unable to read a BL2 sheet should attend a refresher course on Basics.

Posted via email from CHORDiCA

Scoreless Music Suite Getting Lots Of Usage?

For what it's worth, the analytics that we're using for Scoreless Music Suite gave me the following message. It sounds like a good thing to me.

Posted via email from CHORDiCA

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

If We Hold On Together - Diana Ross (BL1)

Introducing the new Basics Level 1 (BL1) range of Scoreless Music number sheets. BL1 sheets are suitable for students who have just started their Scoreless Music Basics module. BL1 sheets are also perfect for use with the CHORDiCA Touch.

Posted via email from CHORDiCA

Scoreless Music Hub iPhone App

Imagine having every single Scoreless Music number sheet in a mobile database that is constantly updated. Access every Scoreless Music course module in the palm of your hand.

Annoucing the Scoreless Music Hub iPhone app, coming soon to the Apple App Store.

Posted via email from CHORDiCA

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Fireflies - Owl City, Song Number Sheet

In anticipation of the official launch of CHORDiCA Touch and the Scoreless Music Hub app, here is a song number sheet just added to the music database that will come with the Scoreless Music Hub app.

Posted via email from Chordica