Thursday, September 22, 2005

Four Meet From Four Science Six

originally uploaded by joashpbook.
After 1990, I've not seen any of my secondary school classmates, making it 15 years of separation. Then, all of a sudden, when I'm thinking how nice it'll be to invite my 4S6 buddies to the wedding, a most fortunate turn of events occur.

So here's the story. Lowell calls Starhub helpdesk and of all the people, he gets connected to Robin 'Joel' Ng. Robin notices both the name and the IC number, thus suspecting that this could be the Lowell of 4S6.

At the end of the call, he asks, "Can I ask you a personal question?" and then finds out that Lowell was really from SJI.

If that wasn't surprising enough, he discovers that a number of classmates are still in contact, some quite regularly so. Robin then gives my email to Lowell who organises a lunch.

Got to meet him, Dennis Foo and Kenneth Kua and we had a good time and laugh talking of old times and some updates on how things have been.

I'm looking forward to meeting up with more 4S6 buddies and inviting them all for the wedding.

Kenneth mentioned some regular sports every Tuesday, like badminton or tennis and I do hope to join up then. I've been starved of exercise due to my prolonged cough. Thank God it's getting much better now.

Monday, September 12, 2005

The Clean Room Experience

The second phase of our moving into a new place involved cleaning up the whole of the 3rd floor of my grandma's place. It was very dusty and dirty all over, so we spent an entire, back-breaking saturday cleaning every nook and cranny.

We're left with the bedroom to clean, and then it is on to the paint jobs. We downloaded a nifty program that allows you to do virtual room make-overs. More on that on the painting vlog to come.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Jackets, Shirts and Shoes

Today, we'll be heading to the tailors (Ted's Collection) for my fitting of the suit. I had to bring along my dinner jacket, two types of shirts, and the pair of shoes I'll be using for the wedding.

You know, I think it's typical for the bride to go through more changes of clothes throughout the entire wedding ceremony, but this time round, it looks like the groom's on fashion parade.

Probably all thanks to my cosplay roots. *chuckle* I bet some of you recognise what I'll be using for my dinner jacket.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

My Powerbook's Double Life

Apple isn't the only one leading a double-life. My powerbook now sports two operating system versions, the latest Tiger (10.4.2) and the former Panther (10.3.9). The reasons for this setup are many but they may change in the future.

Oh, any for those of you that noticed, the harddisk skins are not accurate, but they were the only ones that I thought were nice enough to use from's Xtra Drives set.