"...when the answer is in the question." - When deciding on a good project name
(Click on blog topic to find out more...)
Here's the deal... Every year, guys like me have to take this physical test, called the Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT), that consists of five different tests: Sit-Up, Standing Broad Jump, Chin-Up, 4x10m Shuttle Run, and a 2.4Km Run. If you pass with very good results, you actually get paid money (SGD$200 to $400). If you fail, you have to sign-up for compulsory physical training for at least one month (and at most two months).
Every year, since many years back, I've been failing. :P
BUT! This year, something's changed. Without going into great (juicy) detail, I am now *highly* motivated to do something about my inability to pass and an inspiration hit me right between my brain and my brand new iPod Shuffle...
"How about making use of the concept of Podcasting to assist in physical fitness?!"
That's right, you heard me. I'm not sure if anyone's been credited with such an idea so far, but this is the gist of my 1st attempt at podcasting, and I call it:
Individual Physical PODCASTED Training (or IPPT for short :P)
So what's this all about? Well I figured that I'm largely unmotivated to do my own exercising and have always relied on the Army to *force* me to workout. I think that my problem is that I need an *external* voice to tell me what to do before I do it, at least when it comes to doing the exercises.
Therefore, this is my IPPT grand plan.
01. To record Physical Training (PT) instructions in segments (podcast-friendly sizes)
02. To mix in inspirational music for pacing and to keep the general exercise mood from getting monotonous
03. To come up with a decent system by which the segments can be then 'shuffled' together to form a tailored exercise programme for each day
04. To constantly update these segments for variety as well as improvements
The thing that would probably qualify this as a podcast experience is the fact that I intend to share these training clips with you all that are following mediacasting.blogspot.com and to also post what my particular 'shuffle' was for the day, and how effective the exercise was. Eventually, my goal is to not only pass my IPPT but to earn some money too. :D
So! I'm no Jane Fonda, but if you're ok with my singaporean english accent and you think an Individual Physical Podcasted Training is going to get your butt moving too, please feel free to use whatever I 'cast and DO DO tell me how it works out for you.
Time to next IPPT 'cast: 6 hours (hopefully)